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February 8, 2024

AI transformation in reality: Fintech development powered by AI

Pioneering AI tools usage in venture building for years grants an incredible headstart. Creative Dock has been utilising AI, particularly machine learning tools, for solutions developed in ventures for clients across various industries for many years. This included venture building within e-health, the construction industry, retail, fintech, and insurtech.‍

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January 28, 2024

Software Supremacy: Roland Berger and Creative Dock Lead Pioneering Discussion at WEF AM 2024

“The Davos forum highlighted the transformative power of AI in the business landscape. It's clear that integrating AI into company strategy and daily operations is no longer optional but a necessity for companies to stay competitive and innovative. This transformation goes beyond mere technology adoption; it requires a shift in mindset and culture within organisations,” Martin Pejsa, Founder and Executive Chairman of Creative Dock, stated at an executive dinner, which his company, together with the strategy consulting firm Roland Berger, hosted for 80 top-tier C-suite executives, at the margins of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024. Indeed, the AI transformation of big brands has been a significant topic for Creative Dock in the past year.

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December 15, 2023

Artificial Intelligence as a Servant and a Potential Threat: Setting Boundaries

The European Union's Act on Artificial Intelligence (EU AI Act) has reached the final stretch of the legislative process after a three-day negotiation marathon. Representing the world's first set of rules for regulating artificial intelligence, it evaluates AI based on risk assessment, emphasising security and transparency. While the final compromise version of the regulation has not yet been disclosed, we can still draw some initial insights.

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October 16, 2023

The success story of bold acquisitions continues with a 70% growth

“We needed to accelerate our growth and impact to increase our expertise and service portfolio. Rapidly. Such a thing is only possible with well-selected acquisitions,” said Martin Pejsa, Executive Chairman of Creative Dock, about a year ago. And the strategy worked: At the end of 2023, Creative Dock, the largest independent corporate venture builder in Europe and MENA, reached a year-to-year revenue increase of 70%.

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September 27, 2023

AI has increased the efficiency of the Creative Dock tech department by a third! Wondering how?

Creative Dock has been leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technology for several years, utilising machine-learning-based software in banking, insurance, FMCG, travel, and other industries since 2015. However, 2023 marks a turning point, as Creative Dock has undergone an AI adaptation. It has led to increased efficiency, with the company successfully enhancing its IT team's productivity by one third, in addition to other advancements. Use our know-how to achieve similar success.

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September 20, 2023

Investing in Artificial Intelligence is a Matter of Our Sovereignty

Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as the foremost technical innovation of the year, and all indicators point to their anticipated growth in the future. For models that engage in natural human language communication, the entities responsible for their creation and control wield pivotal importance. These strategic considerations significantly impact the sovereignty and future of the Czech Republic and even European prosperity.

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September 1, 2023

Navigating Company Acquisitions: When and Why? Merger or Maintain Independence?

When one company acquires another, the leaders face a crucial strategic decision – merge the acquired entity or retain it as a separate unit. Both pathways present pros and cons, and several factors must be considered. Not to mention the situation when a bigger company acquires several smaller companies over the course of months. This is the case with Swiss independent corporate venture builder, Creative Dock, which bought four companies from different countries in just twelve months.

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August 10, 2023

Preparing for the Unpredictable in Business: A Foresight Expert’s Insights into Navigating an Uncertain Future

In an era of unparalleled uncertainty and rapid changes, the capacity to prepare for the future and develop resilient strategies has become imperative. Amidst volatile market conditions and ongoing disruptions, executives are increasingly prioritising the enhancement of organisational resilience and long-term profitability. “Strategic foresight methods, such as scenario-based strategizing and foresight-driven innovation, have been widely endorsed as essential tools for effectively navigating uncertain environments,” says Dr. Sebastian Knab, Director of Foresight & Strategy at Corporate Venture Builder Creative Dock.

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July 18, 2023

Scenario-Based Strategizing: Robust Strategies for an Uncertain Future

Rapid technological advancements, multiple crises, and continuous market disruption have left organisations facing a highly volatile, complex, and uncertain environment. Under such conditions, traditional strategy formation methods that assume a single future direction are no longer suitable to produce high-quality strategic decisions. More than ever, strategizing needs to embrace uncertainty and must consider multiple plausible futures, translating this into clear strategic actions. Over decades, researchers and practitioners have advocated the scenario-based technique as a key method for strategy development in both complex and uncertain environments.

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July 7, 2023

Advancing Digital Government in Saudi Arabia in 2023: Utilising AI for Enhanced Public Services

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has made remarkable strides in embracing technology and digital transformation across various sectors. The Kingdom's vision for a modern and innovative nation has propelled its government to invest heavily in advanced digital infrastructure. This article explores the significant progress made by Saudi Arabia in establishing an advanced digital government while also exploring the transformative potential of AI in revolutionising public services.

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May 29, 2023

Michael O’Sullivan: We are on course for a multipolar world

We caught up again with Michael, who spoke at Creative Dock's Executive Dinner at World Economic Forum in Davos, to talk about why he thinks Europe is the best place to live, what he would recommend for companies looking to become future-proof, why and how the impact of AI on the developed and developing countries is different, or what books are on his desk these days. Read on to find out.

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May 26, 2023

Corporate Venture Building: How Entrepreneurs Unlock the Hidden Potential of Corporate Assets

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a multi-billion dollar industry is quietly gaining momentum: Corporate Venture Building. This innovative approach allows entrepreneurs to unlock the hidden potential of corporate assets, creating game-changing digital businesses with a real market advantage. With a total addressable worldwide market of over $20 billion annually*, Corporate Venture Building has become a powerful asset class, experiencing exponential growth in recent years.

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